Is your brand a paper tiger?
You can’t have a good message if there is nothing behind it.
Is your brand what it claims to be?
What you see is the final product. It’s what you come across, hopefully with delight, when you open an email, skim social media, visit a website, or when a billboard or even a flyer catches your eye. It’s the part where we have fun—together, with our brand partners.
It doesn’t all start with a quick logo and color palette and run from there, though. We don’t just work up some comps and send it over for approval without knowing a lot about the brand and the people behind it. We start with a fun and challenging strategy session to uncover the way. We get to know our partners and we work hard from the start to come up with a picture of the brand, what it wants to say and who it needs to say it to. We know this is important because we know first-hand that there has to be one true thing behind the story we tell. If there isn’t, then it’s all just more noise in an already crowded room full of brands shouting “Buy NOW! BOOK NOW! Call NOW!”
When there isn’t some truth, a solid plan and direction, the audience eventually senses it because inauthenticity is pretty smelly. It seeps out in interactions with the public, your potential and current customers. It’s imperative that the message matches mission and that the mission informs the entire organization from top to bottom.
When we work with a brand and the people behind it, we work to uncover the thing that brought them together in the first place. We talk about core values and the brand mission because those things are all part of the process of talking to the customer. Brand strategy sessions are hard work, but when a group commits it’s magic. If you want to learn more, book an introduction. We’d love to talk more about your brand and your plans.